Anka, Paul - Remember Diana (1963)
Argo (2012)
Arthur (2011)
Asia - Alpha (1983)
Avatar (2009)
Avengers, the (2012)
B-52's, the - Self-Titled (1979)
B-52's, the - Mesopotamia (1982)
Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO) - Best Of BTO (So Far) (1976)
Bad Moms (2016)
Baja Marimba Band - Heads Up (1967)
Baja Marimba Band - Rides Again (1965)
Barbarian An The Geisha, the (1958)
Beach Boys, the - Barbara Ann (1965)
Beatles, the - Beatles 65 (1965)
Beatles, the - Introducing The Beatles (1964)
Beatles, the - Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
Beatles, the - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Beauty And The Beast (2014)
Berlin - Pleasure Victim (1982)