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Waterworld (1995)

Waterworld (1995)

  • $ 19.95

SKU: 22-ACT-212846-1

Movie Additional Features


Movie Subtitle Languages

English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Movie Mono/Stereo


Movie Running Minutes Time

135 Minutes

Movie Number Of Items

2 Discs

Movie Languages

English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Movie Screen Format Full-screen/Widescreen/Both


Movie Format

Blu-ray DVD

Movie Digital Copy Expires


Movie Condition

Near Mint

Movie Sleeve Condition

Near Mint

Movie Original Release Year


Movie Director(s)

Kevin Reynolds

Movie Starring

Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Kim Basinger

Movie MPAA Rating

Rated:  PG-13

Movie Synopsis: The Mariner (Kevin Costner) is one of the human beings who has adapted by growing gills. The survivalist lives on a boat on which he is growing a precious tomato plant. He tries to sell the plant and its dirt to the residents of an artificial island built of industrial waste. They imprison him when they discover that he's a mutant with gills. But the island is attacked by the Smokers, a group of oil-guzzling raiders on jet skis headed by the Deacon (Dennis Hopper). The Mariner escapes with Helen (Jeanne Tripplehorn) and her daughter Enola (Tina Majorino). Back at sea, the Smokers repeatedly attack, using planes and boats, until they kidnap Enola. Enola's back is tattooed with a map showing how to get to Dryland, the last unflooded area on Earth. But Deacon (Dennis Hopper), who needs to get to Dryland to replenish the Smokers' oil supply, can't immediately decipher it.

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